Shipping Policy


Phuong Nam Trading PT Co., Ltd. delivers goods by courier services of carriers such as:

  • Fast delivery
  • Ahamove
  • Vietnam Post
  • Viettle Post
  • Eco Trans
  • J&T Express

Goods are delivered to the address requested by customers across the country (64 cities) and there is a charge according to the carrier (this fee is paid by the customer, in case of large orders Enterprises can partially support or full shipping cost to customer).


After we receive your order, the delivery time is counted from the time we confirm the order with you to the time you receive the goods, Phuong Nam Trading PT Co., Ltd. will proceed to deliver the goods to you. over time as follows:

  • Within 48 hours in the inner city of Ho Chi Minh City.
  • For customers located outside Ho Chi Minh City, other Provinces/Cities, we will deliver within 2-6 days depending on the form and your delivery requirements for the order. The above time does not include public holidays and rest days as prescribed by the State of Vietnam.

In addition to the above delivery methods, we will apply the policy of immediate delivery if there is a possibility or there are special agreements or requirements of the customer. However, in some objective cases, Phuong Nam Trading Development Co., Ltd. may delay delivery compared to the committed time due to force majeure conditions such as bad weather, unfavorable traffic conditions, The plane is late, the car is damaged on the delivery route, there is a problem in the delivery process.


  • The shipping service provided by Phuong Nam Trading Co., Ltd or designated by us will be responsible for the goods and risks such as loss or damage of the goods during the transportation of goods from the Company. Phuong Nam Trading PT to customers.
  • The customer is responsible for inspecting the goods upon receipt. When detecting damaged, scratched, broken, distorted, or wrong model compared to the ordered goods, please sign to confirm the condition of the goods with the delivery staff and immediately notify us to solve the problem. decide.
  • After the customer has signed to receive the goods without making any notes or comments about the goods, it means that Phuong Nam Trading Development Co., Ltd. is not responsible for the return requests for damage, scratches, broken, broken, etc. distortion, wrong goods, etc… later.
  • If the transportation service is designated by the customer or by the help of relatives or friends, the customer will be responsible for the goods and risks such as loss or damage of the goods during the transportation of the goods from the Company. Phuong Nam Trading Development Co., Ltd to customers. In this case, the customer will be responsible for the freight and related losses.

Below is the carrier's price list for your reference:

Approx. Mass (Gram) urban Same area  Zone 2 Distance from region
Danang Hanoi / Ho Chi Minh City
0 - 100


Free COD collection < 3 million

Free Shipping

12,500 13,500 13,500 14,000 won
101 - 250 16,500 21,500 22,000 won 23,000 won
251 - 500 23,500 28,000 won 28,600 29,900
501 - 1000

Free COD collection < 3 million

Free Shipping

33,000 won 40,900 41,800 43,700
1001 - 1500 40,000 won 52,800 53,900 56,400
1501 - 2000 48,500 59,500 63,500 67,500
Every next 500 Grams 2,300 3,800 9,000 won 10,000 won 11,000 won
Full time Day by day 24 - 48h 24 - 48h 24 - 48h 48 -72h
Price list does not include fuel surcharge, remote area surcharge, 10% VAT
Parcel Price List - VN Post
Volume hiccups provincial Inner area HN <=> Women Near region Hanoi <=> HCM  Distance from region
Up to 100g                           6,500                     6,500                 6,000 won                7,000 won                6,500                 7,000 won
Over 100gr to 250gr                           8,000 won                     8,000 won                 7,000 won                8,000 won                7,500                 8,500
Over 250gr to 500gr                        10,000 won                  10,000 won               10,000 won              11,000 won              10,500               11,500
Over 500gr to 750gr                        12,000 won                  15,000 won               14,500              16,000 won              15,000 won               16,500
Over 750gr to 1000gr                        13,500                  17,000 won               16,000 won              18,000 won              16,500               18,500
Over 1000gr to 1250gr                        15,500                  19,000 won               18,000 won              20,000 won              18,500               20,500
Over 1250gr to 1500gr                        16,500                  21,000 won               20,000 won              22,000 won              20,500               22,500
Over 1500gr to 1750gr                        18,500                  23,000 won               21,500              24,000 won              22,000 won               24,500
Over 1750gr to 2000gr                        20,000 won                  25,000 won               23,500              26,000 won              24,000 won               26,500
Every next 1kg                           2,800                     2,800                 3,600                4,000                4,500                 5,000 won
Note: Parcels have a maximum weight of 30kg
The price list does not include 10% fuel surcharge, 20% district surcharge and 10% VAT


Approx. Mass (Gram) Inner city HN/HCM Inter-municipal Nationwide
Urban Suburban < 100 km 100 - 300 km > 300 km Hanoi - DN and
vice versa

Hanoi - HCM and


0 - 100

 - Free COD

- Free insurance for 

orders < 3 million, over 

3 million collects 1% of COD value

- Free COD

- Free insurance for 

orders < 3 million, over 

3 million collects 1% of COD value

11,800 12,500 14,000 won 13,000 won 13,300 8,000 won
101 - 250 16,500 18,200 23,000 won 21,500 22,000 won 9,600
251 - 500 23,900 25,300 29,000 won 28,000 won 28,600 13,200
501 - 1000 33,200 34,000 won 43,700 40,900 41,800 16,800
1001 - 1500 40,000 won 41,800 56,400 52,800 53,900 25,500
1501 - 2000 48,400 51,700 68,500 64,100 65,500 30,000 won
2001 - 3000            
Every next 500 Grams 5,000 won 5,000 won 3,500 4,300 8,500 7,100 8,100 2,800 -> 5,000
Full time Day by day Day by day 24 - 48h 48 - 60h 48 - 60h     6 - 8 days
Price list does not include fuel surcharge, district surcharge and 10% VAT


  Approx. Mass (Gram) In the domain Cross-domain
Delivery to the Center 0 - 250gr 36,000 won 41,500
251 - 500gr 44,000 won 49,000 won
Every next 500g 4,900 9,700
Delivery to District Line 0 - 250gr 39,500 46,000 won
251 - 500gr 54,000 won 60,000 won
Every next 500g 5,700 11,400
Time to the center   24-36 hours 36-48h
COD < 3 million: Free collection. COD > 3 million : Collect 1% of the collected value
Free insurance for orders < 3 million. Applications > 3 million collect 1% of the value collected on behalf of
The price list does not include 10% VAT


  HN => HN Hanoi => North Hanoi => DN, HCM
Mass 15,000 VND / 3 kg head 30,000 VND / 0.5kg head 30,000 VND / 0.5kg head
Every next 500g 2500 5000 10000
Full time 12 o'clock 24 - 48h 24 - 36h
Price list includes 10% VAT


Mass provincial Inner area Interregional
Center District line
0 - 1000gr 16,500 30,000 won 33,000 won 35,000 won
1001 - 3000gr    
Every next 500g (items under 4kg) 2,500 4,000 won 5,000 won
Every next 500g (goods from 4kg or more) 4,000 won 7,000 won 7,000 won
Full time Day by day 2 days 3 days
Price list includes 10% VAT


Approx. Mass (Gram) Urban     < 100 km           100 - 300 km       Hanoi - DN and vice versa Hanoi - HCM and vice versa

> 300km          

0 - 50 11,800 19,700 19,700 20,100 23,700 24,500
51 - 250 19,700 19,700 20,100 23,700 24,500
251 - 500 22,100 25,800 24,500 26,100 27,700
501 - 1000 22,100 33,000 won 31,600 39,400 36,700
1001 - 1500 30,400 40,100 43,400 50,800 45,400
1501 - 2000 34,300 45,800 45,000 won 60,000 won 52,900
Every next 500 Grams 1,700 3,500 4,300 7,100 8,100 8,500
Full time Day by day 24 - 48h 48 - 60h 48 - 60h 36 - 66h 48 - 78h
Price list does not include fuel surcharge, district surcharge and 10% VAT


Delivery time  - Within 60 minutes from the time the driver accepts the order for orders under 06 km and has 01 delivery point.
- For orders over 06 km or more than 01 delivery point
- Every 01 km delivery time is added 05 minutes
- Each delivery point is charged 15 minutes more
- Within 02 hours from the time the driver accepts the order for orders under 06 km.
- For orders over 06 km will be delivered within the day.
mileage fee First 4km: 23,000 VND First 4km: 18,000 VND
Advance delivery service surcharge COD < 2,000,000 VND: Free
COD >= 2,000,000 VND: 0.8% of COD value
Maximum COD: 999,999 VND